Live Video Monitoring

The formula for success in physical security is often: 

  1. The earliest possible detection of a potential threat;
  2. The earliest possible assessment that the threat is real; and
  3. Delay the threat until the response force arrives and deals with it.

Many sites use CCTV cameras for detection, but they don’t have the resources to conduct the assessment of a potential threat.  This usually because the cost of communicating a video feed back to a monitoring centre is prohibitive, or they can’t afford a monitoring centre, or both.

Live video monitoring (LVM) changes everything.  The concept is simple: CCTV cameras watch the site perimeter and interior.  The cameras are always on, and the images are processed on the site, using an artificial intelligence process called object identification.  If none of the pre-programmed objects have been seen by the cameras no expense is incurred sending the image back to the monitoring centre, and the screen at the monitoring centre is black.

If an object is seen that the meets the reporting criteria, such as a person, then the video stream is sent back to the monitoring centre.  The centre operator then follows a menu of prearranged instructions.  They are typically:

    • Call 9-1-1 and report the intrusion.  (This gets the police response started.)
  • Report the intrusion to the Control Room.  (This informs Operations that an intruder is trying to get onto the site.)
  • Turn on the rotating light on the site.  (The sensor stack has an option for a rotating light.  This gets the intruder’s attention.)
  • The monitoring centre operator uses the Talk Down feature to communicate with the intruder, warning him that the police are on the way.  (The sensor stack has a loud hailer on it.  In most cases, this is all that is required to convince the intruders to abandon their attack and leave the area.)
  • The police arrive on site and search the area for the intruders.

The costs of LVM are in two categories:

  • Capital expenditure: the cost of the CCTV cameras, object ID processor, loudhailer, rotating light, installation; and 
  • Monthly recurring expenditure: the cost of the centre that will monitor your site for you.  This cost is often as low as $400 - $500 per month.

LVM has greatly reduced the cost of protecting a site.  The results can be dramatic: once the system is operating and local thieves have seen it operating, the word gets out and they leave the site alone.  For example, we know of one site that had 13 to 15 intrusions per month, and after LVM was installed, it quickly dropped to zero.

If you would like more information, please let us know.  We can work with you to find the best solution for your needs.


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2089 Piercy Avenue
Sidney, BC V8L 2K8
Canada +1 (780) 405-5542
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