
Over four decades in security & intelligence

My name is Ross Johnson, BMASc, CPP. I have over 47 years of experience in security and intelligence. 

I served for 24 years as an infantry and intelligence officer in the Canadian Armed Forces, serving in Canada, Egypt, Israel, Rwanda, and the United States. I left the service in 2001 at the rank of Major. Since then, I have worked in travel security, safety and security in the offshore oil drilling industry, and in the electricity sector. 

I have done security work or conducted security training in Canada, the United States, Guam, Ukraine, Israel, Egypt, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Angola, and Equatorial Guinea.

In 2009 I joined Capital Power as their Senior Manager, Security & Contingency Planning. I was active with the North American Electric Reliability Corporation's Critical Infrastructure Protection Committee and sat on their Executive Committee for over seven years. In 2014 I represented Canada on the Standards Drafting Team that produced NERC CIP-014-2 Physical Security. 

I was active with the Electricity Canada's Security and Infrastructure Protection Committee for over ten years, and I am currently Electricity Canada’s security advisor.

I am a strategic advisor for critical infrastructure with Awz Ventures, in Toronto, Canada.

After the 2013 Metcalf substation attack, NERC created CIP-014 Physical Security.  I represented Canada on the Standards Drafting Team for that standard.  I was also part of the group that created the first Design Basis Threat for the Electric Sector in 2015 and have participated in every update of it since.  Since the standard came into force, I’ve done R6 reviews for 49 CIP-014 sites.

I am the Chair of the Physical Security Analysis Group (PSAG). The PSAG assists the North American Electric Corporation’s Electricity Information and Analysis Center (E-ISAC) in providing subject matter expertise on threat mitigations strategies, incident prevention and response, training, emerging sector technologies, and other topics to support electricity asset owners and operators across North America. We work with the Physical Security Team at the E-ISAC to provide guidance and input on security projects and products. I am a co-facilitator of the E-ISAC’s scenario-based risk analysis workshop, (called the DBT/VISA Workshop) which we have conducted over 26 times (and counting) in Canada, the US, Guam, and Ukraine.

I have a Baccalaureate in Military Arts and Sciences from the Royal Military College of Canada and am Board-Certified in Security Management. I am the author of Anti-terrorism and Threat Response: Planning and Implementation, published by CRC Press. The first edition was published in 2013 and the second edition was published in September of 2024.

I am an avid photographer, and my work can be seen at my website:

Photograph by Cam Fischer
Mailing Address
2089 Piercy Avenue
Sidney, BC V8L 2K8
Canada +1 (780) 405-5542
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