Are you protecting your assets from the right threats? How do you know your physical protection system will work when it’s needed? How do you prove it? Most organizations install security measures one component at a time, and they test as they go along. Install video cameras… Do they work like they’re supposed to? Check. Install lighting… Does it work? Check. Install fence… Was it installed according to contract specifications? Check.
All the components make up a physical protection system (PPS), and it’s the job of the PPS to protect the site. Because they don’t normally think of a collection of security technology, barriers, policies, procedures, and people as a single discrete system, they never test it as a single system.
A PPS is a lot like a piano. You cannot tell if a piano is in tune by looking at it – you have to play it. Scenario-based testing is how you tune your physical protection system. Ross can help you build an organic team within your organization that will build strength and resilience across all your assets.