Substation Security: What I’m Working on Now
I had a discussion recently with an employee with a small distribution utility. His utility is too small for permanent security staff. He asked me where I could find a set of substation security standards.
There really aren’t any that I’m aware of. There is some good material available to help someone to develop a set of standards, though.
I don’t like the term ‘standards’ as they imply regulatory requirement. I much prefer to create guidelines that present and discuss issues, and then offer potential solutions to the reader. Furthermore, I’m painfully aware of the cost of security measures, and I’m reluctant to spend security money where it isn’t needed.
I’m developing generic substation security guidance for distribution utilities that can be picked up and implemented by non-security personnel.
When finished, I plan to have two options available. First, I can customize the guidelines for your utility and walk you through implementation; or your utility can buy the guidelines directly, and you can implement them on your own.
Please let me know if you’re interested, and if there is anything in particular you would like to see included. I’ll also keep you informed of my progress.
Ross Johnson
October 12th, 2024