Under the ‘Contact Us’ page, there are a couple of options available. The second one is ‘Consultation.’ Let me explain.
I occasionally get contacted by people who want to set up a call with me to get additional information, usually with the promise of consulting contracts at the end. One recent call involved a hedge fund looking to invest in a specific aspect of security in our sector. The person who contacted me said that the purpose of the call was to determine whether to retain me as an advisor on this specific security technology.
My first clue was when the hedge fund invited three or four other people from their office to the call. They asked good questions for an hour, and then finished with the promise that they would consider what I had said and would likely offer me a retainer.
A month later, I learned that they had learned enough from me in that hour that they didn’t need me any more. I don’t know if they invested in the technology or not – if they had listened closely to me, they would have – but either way, they got value out of a call that cost me an hour. That’s no way to run a business – at least, not at my end.
This ‘Consultation’ link is an option for people who want actionable information but don’t want to engage in a larger project with a contract.
If you want a consultation, please provide me with as much background information as you can, and give me some time to digest it. I take pride in my work, and I’d like to give you the best information possible.